March Advocacy Update

AIA California Committees Commence Legislative Bill Review

The Government Relations team has been hard at work reviewing and analyzing over 2,700 bills introduced for the 2019-20 legislative session, including the introduction of two co-sponsored bills: AB 626 Conflicts of Interest and SB 451 Historic Preservation Tax Incentives, and one sponsored bill: AB 1367 Live/Work Units.

The respective AIA California Committees have begun the ongoing review of legislation and to make position recommendations for the AIA CA Board of Directors to consider at their May meeting. In the meantime, the legislature is beginning the process of hearing and voting on bills that the AIA CA Government Relations team will monitor for significant activity and respond accordingly and as appropriate.

California Architects Board Sunset Review Hearing

Melissa Barton, recently a registered legislative advocate for the AIA CA, testified before a joint Assembly and Senate Sunset Review Committee on March 5, 2019 in support of several issues within the California Architects Board (CAB) Sunset Review – a process that occurs every four years to ensure that government bodies are adequately performing. The sunset review process also provides an opportunity for the CAB, the Legislature, and interested parties and stakeholders to discuss the performance of the boards that the Committee reviews and make recommendations for improvements.

Citizen Architect Program

The Citizen Architect Program has seen a 37% increased interest since the last promotional effort, including more gender and geographic diversity. Tabulated results from the Citizen Architect self-identification survey demonstrate areas of outreach opportunity to acquire civically engaged individuals for the purposes of forming this network. AIA CA will be working with chapters to assist in outreach efforts for this program. If you have an interest in becoming more civically engaged or are a citizen architect, please let us know.

Please also distribute the Citizen Architect Flier at meetings and events that you attend.

Rebuilding Paradise Task Force

Senator Nielsen, representing the areas affected by the Campfire, called upon a select group of stakeholders and advocacy organizations to meet with him at his Capitol office on March 14 to identify the profession and community needs to assist his constituents to return home quickly.

Advocates, stakeholders and members from the architecture, land surveying, structural engineering, construction, and city/county advocacy organizations meeting with Senator Nielsen on March 14, 2019. Pictured 2nd and 3rd from left Rouben Mohiuddin, AIA, Central Valley and Melissa Barton, AIA California Photo credit: Senator Nielsen

AIA California Government Relations staff, Melissa Barton, attended this meeting and brought along AIA Central Valley member, Rouben Mohiuddin, AIA to provide a boots-on-the-ground perspective to assist the Senator with creating legislation that will “provide resolve and give hope that there is a comeback.” The Senator tasked each of the organizations to pool resources and be a united force in creating pathways and solutions for his constituents. The Senator has indicated that this is one of many discussions to be had of its kind with him and his staff. The next task force meeting will be held in early April.


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