SUPPORT – AB 1800 (Levine D)   Fire insurance: indemnity.

AB 1800

(Levine D)   Fire insurance: indemnity.

Summary: Current law defines the measure of indemnity for a loss under an open fire insurance policy and specifies time limits under which an insured must collect the full replacement cost of the loss. Current law prohibits, in the event of a total loss of the insured structure, a fire insurance policy issued or delivered in the state from limiting or denying payment of the replacement cost of property if the insured decides to rebuild or replace the property at a location other than the insured premises. Current law requires the measure of indemnity to be based upon the replacement cost of the insured property and prohibits it from being based upon the cost to repair, rebuild, or replace at a location other than the insured premises. This bill would instead prohibit, in the event of a total loss of an insured structure, a fire insurance policy issued or delivered in this state from containing a provision that limits or denies, on the basis that the insured has decided to rebuild at a new location or to purchase an already built home at a new location, payment of the building code upgrade cost or the replacement cost, including any extended replacement cost coverage, to the extent those costs are otherwise covered by the terms of the policy or any policy endorsement.

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