April Advocacy Update

Your Government Relations team had a busy April.  The Legislature has begun hearing bills introduced this year, the Governor is focusing on making appointments, and State Senator Nielsen’s Rebuild Paradise Task Force held its second meeting.

Historic Preservation Tax Credits

The bill jointly sponsored by the California Preservation Foundation and AIA California, SB 451 (Atkins), to create a new tax credit for work rehabilitating a certified historic structure passed its first hearing in the State Senate.  We are hopeful SB 451 will pass the Legislature and make it to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk.  A similar bill, AB 1999 from 2014, passed the Legislature but was vetoed by Governor Jerry Brown.  Later this Summer AIA California will begin a grassroots campaign urging Members to contact Governor Newsom to encourage his signature on this important legislation.


SB 451 Group Picture
CA Preservation Foundation Executive Director Cindy Heitzman, Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, State Treasurer Fiona Ma, and Mark Christian, Hon. AIA CA after SB 451’s successful hearing.


Conflict of Interest

AB 626, the bill jointly sponsored by ACEC California and AIA California to allow design professionals to provide both pre-design and design services on public projects without violating California’s Conflict of Interest laws, passed its first hearing. AB 626 will be amended to address opposition from various contracting groups.  One likely amendment will clarify that AB 626 does not apply to public design-build projects.

School Construction

AIA California testified during the recent hearing of SB 297.  This bill will improve the efficiency in public school construction projects, mostly modernization projects, by allowing the awarding of construction contracts upon the submittal of plans to the Division of the State Architect (DSA).  Construction would not be allowed to commence until DSA issue the approved plans.

AIA California expressed its support for bringing efficiency to the process, but stated its concern that this new process could expose architects and contractors to greater financial risk if the approved plans has a higher cost of construction than the submitted plans.  AIA California testified that language is needed to ensure any additional cost must be assumed by the school district.

AIA California is working with the author and sponsor to develop this language.

SB 297 testimony picture
Mark Christian, Hon. AIACA, AIA CA Director of Government Relations, testifying on SB 297 before the Senate Education Committee


California Architects Board

AIA California testified in support of SB 608, the bill to extend the sunset date on the California Architects Board (CAB), and to make changes to the California Architects Practice Act recommended by the CAB and the Legislative Sunset Review Committee.  The most notable changes include changes to the written contract requirement, creating a finger printing requirement for new applicants, and a requirement that the CAB adopt regulations establishing qualifications for accessibility continuing education courses and course providers.


Governor’s Appointments

AIA California is working closely with the Governor’s Appointments Office to find qualified AIA Members for a variety of appointed positions, including the State Architect, California Architects Board, California Building Standards Commission, and the Seismic Safety Commission.

The Governor’s Office usually asks for several candidates for each available position.  AIA California, upon approval of the AIA California Executive Committee, will submit those names with the official support of AIA California.


Rebuild Paradise Task Force

State Senator Jim Nielsen, who represents areas affected by the Campfire, convened the Rebuild Paradise Task Force for a second meeting.  This task force comprises a select group of stakeholders and advocacy organizations, including AIA California, to identify and remedy obstacles to rebuilding the areas damaged by the Campfire.

AIA California Government Relations staff Melissa Barton attend this meeting along with Rouben Mohiuddin, AIA and Robert Chase, AIA.

Senator Nielsen Picture
Third from left Rouben Mohiuddin, AIA; Sixth from left Senator Nielsen; Fifth from right Melissa Barton; Far right Robert Chase, AIA


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