SUPPORT – SB 1035 (Jackson D)   General plans.

SB 1035

(Jackson D)   General plans.

Summary: Current law requires, after the initial revision of a safety element in a general plan of a city or county, to identify flood hazards and address the risk of fire in certain lands upon each revision of the housing element, the planning agency to review and, if necessary, revise the safety element to identify new information relating to flood and fire hazards that was not previously available during the previous revision of the safety element. This bill would require the safety element to be reviewed and revised as necessary to address climate adaption and resiliency strategies and would require, after these revisions, the planning agency to review and, if necessary, revise the safety element upon each revision of the housing element or local hazard mitigation plan, but not less than once every 8 years, to identify new information relating to flood and fire hazards and climate adaptation and resiliency strategies applicable to the city or county that was not available during the previous revision of the safety element.

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